Thursday, November 4, 2010

Basic Counselling Skills ebook free Download

Counselling is a process that usually has a beginning,

middle, and end. There are certain things a counsellor

should do in each part. This process can take place over

just a few sessions or over a longer period. Effective

counselling does not necessarily take a long time. In fact,

research shows that many times, clients feel they have

received the help they need in just three or four meetings.

Sometimes one meeting is all someone needs. The chance

to explain a problem may make it clearer or talking it out

may relieve anxiety and other problem feelings.

“When I found a person I could talk to, I would feel

a lot lighter.”5

“Once a person talks about something, they can let

it go. Then they can deal with another issue.” 6

Whether the process is short or longer, counsellors must

have the necessary skills to truly help clients.

In the beginning, the counsellor starts to build a trusting

relationship with the client and finds out important

information about the client’s problem.

In the middle part, the counsellor helps the client set goals

—make decisions about what the client wants. Once goals

are decided, the counsellor and client develop ideas about

how the client can reach those goals. During this period,

the client will try certain things. Then the counsellor and

client discuss what happened and whether the method

is working.

When the client feels he or she has achieved what he or

she wanted, the client and counsellor prepare for the end

of counselling.

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